Canyon for Congress' Blog

Canyon Clowdus for Congress

Competency Tests for Congress

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In my world of business, results count and there are far reaching consequences for each action. What I do as the leader of the company affects all of our employees and their families. I very humbly submit that when I am making decisions for over a thousand employees and more than a hundred vendors, these decisions affect hundreds of thousands of men, women and children. I am careful and thoughtful about every action I take. Why then do I see very thoughtless actions taken by our Congress? Elected officials should be the best and brightest among us. I do not feel we have that in Washington right now. Maybe we could give a basic competency test of how to balance a budget. In my lifetime we have elected the best politicians. Those people that ran the best campaign. (usually with the most money, ie. Incumbents) I say we start electing competent people to represent us based on their ability to control costs within the government. We might also elect people that are not living a different kind of life. (Rich people are not bad people, but they live a different life than you and I) I recall a camel through the eye of the needle from Sunday school. So I would challenge our current congressman to an IQ test, lie detector test, competency test and maybe a good ol’ fashion morality test. This would ensure better representation along with term limits to mhelp people maintain their moral values along the way. I pray the good people of West Texas vote for better representation on March 2nd in the primary election. We deserve better.

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