Canyon for Congress' Blog

Canyon Clowdus for Congress

Posts Tagged ‘liberty

Preserve Liberty

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I am deeply concerned about our personal liberty here in America. I am more concerned for the liberties of my children. I see dark days ahead if this attack on our U.S. Constitution is not stopped. Let’s talk about God even though that makes some people uncomfortable. God is the grantee of every American’s unalienable rights. Not the government. That is why God has been under attack for the past 100 years here in America. Communism and Socialism can’t survive where religion is strong. Religion makes strong families, which is another strong deterrent against communism or fascism. The current administration in the executive branch and many in congress are the culmination of a very “progressive communist movement”. They must be stopped immediately! We as a nation have endured slights against our beliefs for to long. I am a patriot and I will reclaim our government  and secure our liberties for future generations. We must stand up in the elections, both primaries and general elections to select citizen candidates, not politicians, that promise to return our sovereign liberties guaranteed to us by the United States Constitution. I am one such candidate in the 11th district of Texas. I implore you to act now! This is the true crisis. Do not be confused by almost overwhelming attacks on our personal liberties coming out of Washington D.C. The solution is simple. Eradicate any effort to overthrow our government from within, through subversive means. Treat them no different than an Al Queda terrorist, because they have the same objective. An invading army is no different a threat to our liberties than an attack from within our own government against us, the American citizen. Elect a fighter, someone unafraid of ridicule, because Rules for Radicals is being employed on a daily basis. We must stand strong and ever vigilant, for this is the price of LIBERTY. God Bless the United States of America and woe unto those that oppose this great nation, for the Sons of Liberty are answering Lady Liberty’s call to action. Go out and help retake our government by supporting patriot candidates and tell others you know to do the same. You take the place of Paul Revere and ride to call all citizens to protect America.